Stem op onze Heerenveen vrouwen coach Anouk Bruil

Woman Soccer United heeft 3 coaches in het vrouwenvoetbal de kans gegeven om coach van het jaar te worden en de WSU Coach Award te kunnen winnen.
Onze Ann Mor, zeer betrokken bij vv Heerenveen heeft Anouk opgegeven en uiteraard zou het super zijn als zoveel mogelijk mensen gaan stemmen op Anouk.

Anouk Bruil

Anouk Bruil is the youngest ever Assistant trainer of SC Heerenveen, who compete in the Netherlands Women’s Eredivisie, Bruil has held the role for 4 years.

At the same time, Anouk was Assistant Trainer/Coach of the SC Heerenveen Youth women’s team for 3 years during which she won the Championship!

At just 23 years old, Bruil is the youngest trainer/coach in the Dutch women’s competitions. Two weeks before, she passed all exam’s to earn her UEFA Coach A license.

Her skills include being a hard motivator, a good communicator, open mind and always looking to improve the football training, and matches with which she brings a lot of pleasure and enthusiasm.

Bruil is described as a brave, young trainer/coach. Very motivated in the job which she is doing. She knows what she is doing, she knows what she wants and she knows how to work with the all the different age woman’s/girls on the pitch with success and pleasure! She has everything what is needed to be a good trainer, inspirational coach and a fantastic person!

Thank you to Ann Mor for the nomination.

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